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International Unit of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Electronics Materials

2018년 8월 20일-8월 24일, 대전, 대전컨벤션센터에서 열린 IUMRS-ICEM 2018 학회에 김장혁, 이건엽, 박현익, 김수현 학생이 참석하여 발표를 수행하였습니다.

"Hetero-Structure Transistors based on β-Ga2O3 ThinFlakes And 2D Materials" - Oral presentation

"Two-Dimensional Layered Materials-based PnpHeterojunction Devices" - Oral presentation

"Effect of Vacuum Annealing on The Performance ofBlack Phosphorus Field-Effect Transistors" - Oral presentation

"A Quasi-Two-Dimensional Heterojunction of Graphene/β-Ga2O3 for UV Photodetection" - Oral presentation

(08826) 서울특별시 관악구 관악로 1,  302 동 1015 호 
Tel. 02-880-1513
#1015, Second Engineering Building,  

School of Chemical and Biological Engineering,
Seoul National University

Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul (08826) 
Republic of Korea

(TEL) +82-2-880-1513

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