2017 MRS spring meeting

2017년 4월 17-21, 미국, Phoenix, Arizona 에서 열린 MRS spring meeting & exhibit에 김장혁, 이건엽, 권용범, 배진호 학생이 참석하였습니다.
"Quasi-2D β-Ga2O3 Field-Effect Transistors with Hexagonal Boron Nitride Gate Dielectric" -oral presentation, 김장혁
"Thickness Control of Few-Layer Black Phosphorus and Its Device Applications" - oral presentation, 이건엽
"Mechanical Exfoliation of Ultra-Wide Band Gap β-Ga2O3 and Its Contact Properteis" -oral presentation, 배진호
"Bi-Facial CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells Using Nanowire Back Contact for Flexible Applications" - poster presentation, 권용범
배진호 학생이 Travel Grants 를 수상하였습니다.